The most exciting adventure begins on the inside!

She helps structure thoughts and ideas, and identify priorities and waste, even in the most confusing moments of life.
Barbara Lax
Award-winning Entrepreneur

An excellent practitioner of the solution approach. Extremely effective, practical and enjoyable.
Morgan Matthews
Consultant & Coach

Great listener, easy to connect with. Nicole has a profound interest for people and how to make life simple and fun.
Maria Pulido-Svensson
Business Strategist
When you explore your inner world and reconnect to play,
you remove anxiety and self-censorship,
you discover limitless possibilities and solutions,
and you become the Creator of your Game of Life.
Most of us stepped into the adult world filled with desires and expectations, but also the worry that we might not live up to all that we, and others had hoped. The pressure is on to work hard and make people proud, buying into the idea that one day we might be worthy of leading a life of abundance. Yet the fear of failure can be so debilitating that we leave our courage and playfulness behind.
We seldomly stop to reflect on the idea that life truly is a game: an adventure to explore and experience life on Earth. When finding ourselves stuck in a place of overwhelm, fear or anxiety, it's because we're playing by someone else's rules, chasing someone else's goals, and living by someone else's values. It's a trap easy to fall into, feeling like we'll never be good enough to fulfil expectations. To get truly excited about the life we lead and everything we would truly love to experience, tapping into the universal energies and fearlessness of play is a radical game changer.
Whatever game you're feeling challenged by, be it the corporate game, the dating game, the health game or just the general game of life, my mission is to help you rediscover the power of play. Play helps you feel connected to all that you are. It gives you permission not to have to be the smartest person in the room nor under the pressure to excel at all cost. Play gets you exactly to the place that's right for you, simply and easily, rather than push you into a space that will never feel like home.
Life can be a beautiful game, if you surrender to the power of play.

From the minute Nicole hosted her first discovery call with us, we felt that she truly understood our needs. She has a box of cheeky tricks and a wealth of experience to call upon.
Paddy Ney
TV Host

Nicole brings a refreshing sense of fun and of humor to her activities, which energizes the group,
awakens imaginations and gets the conversations flowing!
Tanya Strevens
Sustainability Expert

If it were not for Nicole's coaching, I would not have asked the hard questions I needed to transform what was essentially a broken business model.
Sam Cook
Serial Entrepreneur
"If you and another person had exactly the same values, one of you would not be necessary!"
John Demartini
Awaken your child energy to access the creative resources within, guiding you on your adventure of reconnection to the aligned being that you are!
Join like-minded people who favour exploration over expectation, self-discovery over sacrifice, and share your experience in our online space.
Plunge into a 4-month program where you discover the ways of the Universe and how it is your greatest ally to become the Game Master of your Life.
Immerse yourself in the full power of our Game of Expansion and experience the confidence, clarity and relief that opens you up to change.
How coaching, art, writing and play came together to create a powerful gateway to the Self.

My professional life has taken me on many adventures, mainly because I didn't really know what I wanted to pursue. Exploring things was more important to me than achieving things, and I must admit that they still are. I used to judge myself for this, thinking that I was indecisive, impatient, incapable of committing to something long enough to really become a master at it.
Now I know this is one of my strengths.
Every project, every job, every attempt to start a business (and there have been many), and every soul-searching retreat has contributed to the construction of who I am and what I do today, in a positive and meaningful way. Even if, at the time, I felt lost and like I was wasting my time, something was brewing deep within which has brought me to a place where I now know I was always supposed to be.
While self-expression through art, and other manual means of creativity, has always played a great role in my life, I never believed that I was good enough to make a living out of it. A failed attempt to get into an art college only confirmed this limiting belief. It would take me 30 years to understand why this was not meant to be my journey. Art was to play a different role in my life. One that I was to discover only after entering the coaching world.
Coaching opened me up to the power of questions. Rather than obsessing over finding answers, I became fascinated with the impact a question of great quality could have on the thinking process. For a number of years I explored this with individuals and teams, guiding them through journeys that would bring them clarity and get them to connect more deeply with themselves and each other.
I truly loved this process, but I knew there was a lot more going on in this sacred space I was creating with my clients. I started integrating playfulness, even games, which not only shifted the energy in the room, it provoked growth and learning at a much faster rate. The space itself became a tool as well, as we moved around to shift perspectives, letting our body intuitively show the way.
Yet, for me to see my own situation clearly, something was still missing. I needed visuals, structure, space and simplicity. My busy brain required a process that would quiet the mind and slow down my thoughts long enough for me to understand them. And so I started to draw.
For many years I used drawings to find stillness and clarity. That in itself was a blessing. With time, though, I have come to understand that my hand is connected to my subconscious brain, and that it can access deep inner knowledge that has long been forgotten due to the conditioning we go through as we try to adapt to life as we know it.
My work is all about the integration of powerful questions, playfulness and the connection to the subconscious mind, in order to help people focus and access the inner knowledge that is waiting to guide them and make them feel connected to who they truly are.
Whether it is to focus, find solutions, gain clarity, see connections, make decisions or simply feel more aligned with who we are, the power of play, imagination and drawing the maps of the magical place that is our subconscious mind is like going on a treasure hunt, with pots of gold hiding in little spaces all along the way.
Nicole Wittauer
“Nicole helped [our employees] discover the amazing resources
that were hidden right under their nose – resources
they need to move forward. [They] even asked for more
personalized training and coaching with her.”
“Dynamic and excellent coaching skills!”
Helene Romy
Head of Human Resources
“Excellent content and excellent delivery.”
“We want more sessions like these.”
“I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the
enthusiasm of the speaker.”
"It was really interesting, [Nicole] was really good at
getting interest and participation of the group.”
“A big ‘thank you’ for organizing this for us and
choosing such an interesting speaker.”
“Workshops were pleasant and I always enjoyed stepping back and reflecting.
Nicole managed to keep it lively, which is not always easy
with a large audience.”
“Very good concept and facilitator, interesting topic.
Loved taking the time to do these workshops.
Thank you!”
“Fresh ideas, improved thinking and reasoning skills, new perspectives on old problems - these are just some of the benefits that my colleagues and I have enjoyed from the sessions we have with Nicole.
When Nicole worked with my organization, she helped us to gain insights into the challenges
we were facing and, in other scenarios, has brought a boost of creativity that has helped
colleagues perform better and connect with each other more.
In addition to helping groups tackle complex challenges in the workplace, Nicole can also bring
a refreshing sense of fun and of humor to her activities, which energizes the group,
awakens imaginations and gets the conversations flowing!
I wish we could have Nicole visit our workplace more often –
there would be huge benefits for individuals and for the organization as a whole."
Tanya Strevens
Sustainability Expert
“Highly valuable for our organization. Provoked fast and concrete results.”
“People obtained a better sense of clarity, positivity, a good feeling of control
and increased level of confidence.”
Diego Ruiz
Global Director
“Nicole sait s'adapter aux situations, mettre les personnes
à l'aise et faire des propositions sur mesure,
ce qui est un atout précieux.”
Chrissy Matthey
Daycare Director
FULL QUOTE : « J'ai rencontré Nicole lors d'un coaching avec l'équipe de direction. Elle nous a fait une séance avec la méthode des Legos. J'ai trouvé cela tellement intéressant comme méthode de management qu'elle est venue le faire avec les équipes. Ce fût un grand succès et l'équipe en a gardé un très bon souvenir, même les personnes qui n'aiment pas ce genre d'exercice. Elle a également fait des interventions sur la communication et la gestion du stress. Nicole sait s'adapter aux situations, mettre les personnes à l'aise et faire des propositions sur mesure, ce qui est un atout précieux. »
“By the end I had elaborated my own personal “tool kit”
for a particular work situation – something
I am still using successfully every day!”
Nadine McCormick
Sustainability professional
FULL QUOTE: “In just one session, Nicole was effectively able to walk me through a process where by the end I had elaborated my own personal "tool kit" for a particular work situation - something I am still using successfully every day!”
“One of the most creative and resourceful thinkers that I know.”
“Skillfully steers her clients toward
finding their own solutions.”
Liz Umlas
University Lecturer
“Very highly developed analytical skills.”
“Fantastic non-judgmental listener.”
”Ask[s] the key questions that are often the key to really understanding
the roadblocks to moving ahead.”
Paul Grigoriev
Programme Coordinator
Nicole’s work [… ] provided me with critical “a-ha” moments and a basket of tools to help me get “unstuck” and realize my goals.”
“Great listener, easy to connect with. Profound interest for people and how to make life simple and fun.”
Maria Pulido - Svensson
Business Strategist
“An excellent practitioner of the solution approach.
Extremely effective, practical and enjoyable.”
Morgan Matthews
Business Consultant & Life Coach
FULL QUOTE: “Nicole is an excellent practitioner of the solution approach. This is a counter intuitive approach to driving positive change, which requires practical experience and so is not so straightforward a topic to teach or learn as it requires a different mindset. I was privileged to attend a small course run by Nicole where she taught both the theory and this practical model experientially. Given she is also a professional coach her approach was extremely effective, practical and enjoyable. I would recommend Nicole for both this course and her general expertise in this field.”
“She helps structure thoughts and ideas, and identify priorities and waste,
even in the most confusing moments of life.”
Barbara Lax
Founder & CEO
“Nicole is a great coach and I highly recommend her to anyone needing
a little help to unblock situations or dealing with difficult decision-making.
I've come out of Nicole's coaching sessions with a clear mind and set of actions
of how to overcome my obstacles, with the added benefit
of a great sense of relief!”
Claire Warmenbol
Communications & Knowledge Coordinator
“She manages to make people see that there are ways out of problems
and around difficulties, and […] opens your eyes to different solutions.”
“Very much focused on my needs.”
“Nicole is a very good listener [and] takes the time she needs to make sure
that steps towards progress are made.”
Maria Hasler
Finance Officer
“Her invitations for reflection, positive communication, meaningful dialogues, easy going atmosphere made me unstuck so simply and easily.”
Linda Hendriksen
Senior Administrative
“I consulted Nicole on a professional situation where I was feeling exasperatingly powerless and frustrated. As I answered Nicole’s questions, it came clear that the response I had tried to use was rather at odds with my natural personality. No wonder I had been blocked for so long! Through an amusing bee-dialogue, we then simulated alternative solutions until I found one that seemed more adequate and that has actually enabled me to open my situation to change."
By asking the right questions, [Nicole has] managed within a few minutes to make me aware of the appropriate answers. Everything fell into place, and when I found the key which allowed me to resolve a situation which seemed complex before, everything became very clear in my mind. A big thank you for having let me discover this powerful yet simple technique! (Translated from French)
“At a time when my to-do list was out of control, my head was a mess, focus gone, and it simply all got too much at work...I was lucky enough to have a coaching session with Nicole which put everything back into perspective. Not just that, with her help I managed to come up with the solutions myself and at the end, walked out of the session with a clear head on the next steps to take.
Feeling reinvigorated I acted upon these, and what had seemed as an insurmountable mountain before, became a manageable hill, one I crossed easily and got me back on track, focused and emotionally-balanced. Thanks again Nicole.”